Wednesday, 11 May 2011

The Democrat Union of Africa (DUA) summary

The Democrat Union of Africa (DUA) is a regional organization of the International Democratic Union. Its an alliance of centre-right political parties in Africa. it provides a forum in which Parties holding similar beliefs can come together and exchange views on matters of policy and organizational interest so that they can learn from each other, act together, establish contacts and speak with one strong voice to promote democracy and centre, centre-right policies around in Africa. its founders believe that with a belief that democratic society provides individuals with conditions for political liberty, personal freedom and equality of opportunity under the rule of law.DUA promotes a culture of pluralistic competition, enterprise and socially oriented marked economy.
DUA Goals and Objectives
The main goal/object for which the DUA is established as to provide a forum for discussion between member organizations, citizens of African countries, scholars and policy makers on issues of democracy, good government, economic policy, human and individual rights and human development with a view to promoting the implementation of the principles contained in the statement of belief. Consistent with the main goal/objects of the DUA, its further objectives are:
  1. to hold, facilitate, fund and organise national and international conferences;
  2. to fund, facilitate, organise and co-ordinate public policy research into all aspects of government throughout Africa;
  3. to publish and facilitate the publishing of books, papers, pamphlets and any other publications which promote the principles of the DUA;
  4. to assist political parties and other bodies, associations and groups having the same or similar objectives;
  5. to monitor and report on events which occur throughout Africa which either promote or impede democratic reform in Africa;
  6. to promote and defend the ideals and cultural heritage of pluralist democracies in Africa;
  7. to fight against corruption in the body politic of African countries;
  8. to promote harmony and foster political tolerance throughout Africa;
  9. to do all things and to engage in all activities generally which are necessary to any of the a foregoing specified objectives of the DUA; and
  10. to do all things, within means, as may be necessary to assist member parties in achieving these goals.
DUA Charter of Values and Principles 
DUA holds a common conviction that democratic societies provide individuals throughout the world with the best conditions for political liberty, personal freedom, equality of opportunity and economic development under the rule of law, and therefore:

They are committed to advancing - on the African continent and around the world - the social and political values on which democratic societies are founded, including the basic personal freedoms and human rights, as defined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and, inter alia, the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights; in particular, the rights of free speech, organisation, assembly and non-violent dissent, the right of free and fair elections and the freedom to organise effective opposition to government, the right to a free and independent media; the right to religious belief; equality before the law; and individual opportunity and prosperity;

They hold common beliefs in an open society, where power is dispersed widely amongst free institutions, dedicated to creating conditions that will enable individuals to reach their full potential and to carry out their responsibilities to their fellow men and women; and where the central task of government is to serve the individual and to safeguard and promote individual freedom; equality; and security;

They stress the moral commitments of a free and open society, supporting the institution of the family as a vital social and cohesive force, as well as social responsibility towards the weak and less fortunate, particularly by encouraging self help and individual initiative, private enterprise and choice in the provision of services;

They are dedicated to a society of individuals working together in partnership for their mutual benefit;

They hold common views that political democracy, private property and the promotion of individual initiative are inseparable components of individual liberty and that the free market economy and the policy of reducing the size and scope of government provide the best means of creating the wealth and material prosperity to meet the legitimate aspirations of individuals, and to tackling social problems such as unemployment and inflation;
They believe that this is the most effective and beneficial way of providing individual initiative and enterprise, strong and responsible economic development, employment opportunities, low taxation and consumer choice;

They reject any form of totalitarianism, civil war or coup-d'etate, which brings so much suffering and restricts so many freedoms today;

Inspired by their common convictions, they understand the important tasks which render necessary and desirable a closer and efficient collaboration of our organisations;

TheY pledge themselves to work towards closer co-operation among all democrat-minded persons in Africa and around the world, who subscribe to the values outlined above, while recognising the right of each individual nation to preserve its identity and to safeguard its vital interests, to use their influence and above all their political values for the greater good of the African continent and the world at large, especially by promoting the mutual responsibilities of all nations for global economic development;

They declare their dedication to a just and lasting peace and freedom throughout the African continent and the word at large; and,

They further declare that the cause of peace will be advanced by adherence to the principles expressed in this preamble; and therefore,
They actively invite other persons and organisations to join them in subscribing to, and promoting, the following principles;
  • democratic, accountable and transparent governments of the people, for the people and by the people of Africa;
  • respect for internationally recognised human rights;
  • effective, efficient and streamlined governments;
  • economic policies based on free market principles;
  • equality between men and women; and
  • multiparty democracy conducted on the basis of peaceful politics and regular free and fair elections
this is just a summarized overview on the subject DUA .For more information about DUA please go to

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